Everyone knows a car has its own unique identification serial. Fewer might know that bicycles have them too. Before you take yours out, write down the serial number and keep it somewhere safe in case yours gets stolen.

Having your bicycle's serial number handy can help law enforcement track down and identify your bike much faster. Because bicycles aren't registered, it's more difficult to prove that a given bike is yours even if they find it, but knowing the serial number gives you a leg up. As one commenter on Reddit with experience in law enforcement explains:
I can count on one hand how many times I've been able to recover stolen bikes. One of my best arrests was sending this thief to prison for 2 years because he had a stolen bike and the victim wrote the serial number down. Not lack of trying but lack of serial numbers or identifiable marks is what limits bikes being located. Plus If two people make claim to a bike and no one has proof that it is theirs, then how can I make a decision on who is the owner. I don't know about you but I run into stolen stuff all the time that I can't prove is stolen because no one writes down serial numbers.
The serial number decal may be found below the rail: On Bike/Rower Combos, the serial number decal may below the upright, facing the user as they pedal: Was This Article Helpful? Sorry About that, Help us improve. Thanks for your feedback. The serial number is the key to finding out what year cannondale you have. Once finding out the year, cross reference with the correct catalog to find out which model you have. Determine with the color (USA and Europe have different colors) and parts in the catalog. Remember, a bicycle can be made the year before for the following year. “example” A 1987 could be made in late 86 for the 87 year. The serial number on a bike is not like a VIN on a car that is unique and tracked. A bike serial number might mean something if you know the manufacturer, but you can't get the manufacturer from a serial number. Also, please see my YouTube video How To Find The Model Year Of Your Trek Bike. I bought my Trek 700 used off of craigslist. Supposedly Trek frames have a serial number on them, usually located on the bottom bracket. And with the serial number you are supposed to be able to find the year. Before they even leave the factory, each bike is given a unique birthmark on the bottom bracket. Like a fingerprint, that number's the key to identifying your bike and getting it back if it ever goes missing. In today's post we'll check out where to find your ride's serial number and what to do with that info to keep your bike secure! Your new frame has a white sticker w/ a QR code near the bottom bracket. The serial number for your bike is listed here and starts w/ 'VN”. Depending on your model and year of the bike the three main locations are: Carbon Top Link • Carbon Front Triangle • Carbon Rear Triangle M16C. Serial Number. Every bicycle has a unique serial number. To find the number you must look on the underside of the bike, underneath the pedals. The number is engraved on the bottom of the frame. If the number has been scratched off, good chances are the bike has been stolen. If the number has not been scratched off, be sure to write it down.
The flip side for buyers, of course, is to keep an eye out for serial numbers when purchasing a bike from a private seller. While it's not impossible for a thief to try to scratch out a serial number, any legitimate seller shouldn't have a problem providing one. This can help reduce the motivation for bike thieves to steal bicycles to begin with.
LPT Bikes have serial numbers. Write yours down and keep it in a safe place | Reddit
Bike Serial Number Wsbc601074989n
Photo by Richard Masoner.
Where To Find Serial Number On Schwinn Bike